漫游千年古道 感受古街韵味
Wander the Millennia-old Road and Feel the Charm of the Ancient Street
Beijing Tongwen Middle School -- Humanity and Geology Field Study on the Ancient Camel Bell Ancient Road in the West of Beijing (2)
In order to help students better inherit and carry forward Yongding river culture, cultivate students’ feelings and love for living in Shijingshan District, on December 6, Beijing Broaden & Top-trans communication Center (BTC) organized the Grade 8 students of Beijing Tongwen Middle School to take a humanity and geology field study on the Ancient Camel Bell Road in the west of Beijing.

BTC中心主任王朋老师是英语教育专家、商务翻译专家,同时对永定河文化有着深入的研究。王主任在百忙之中抽出时间参加活动,为学生们深入浅出地讲述了 “模式口”的前世今生,让学生们对于京西驼铃古道有了更深入的了解。王朋主任给孩子们带来的研学先导课,图文并茂,绘声绘色,引导学生们学历史、思发展、提建议,反响热烈。
BTC director Mr. Wang Peng is an English educator and commercial translation expert, who has a profound study of Yongding River culture at the same time. Director Wang took time out of his busy schedule to participate in the field study, he told students the history and present lives of the“Moshikou”in an easy-understanding way, so that the students had a better understanding of the Camel Bell Ancient Road in the west of Beijing. Director Wang gave students a vivid lecture, which guided the students to review the history, think about the development, and make their suggestions. The response to the lecture was overwhelming.

After the lecture, the students set off to explore the Camel Bell Ancient Road.
We first came to the China Quaternary Glacial Vestige Glacier Hall, which is the only natural science museum built next to glacial relics in the world so far. One of the treasures of the Glacier Hall is the glacier scratch discovered by a famous Chinese geologist, Li Siguang. With listening to the explanation of tour guides, the students were experiencing the wonders of nature up close!

After that, the students walked along the Camel Bell Ancient Road under the guidance of field study leading teacher. The teacher led the students to visit the first electricity connected village in China, old buildings along the side of the street, ancient residences and stores, and gave a detailed explanation.

At last, we came to the only remaining eunuch graveyard of Ming Dynasty in China, TianYi Tomb, which is the best preserved, the highest specification, and the most exquisite stone carving tomb. The students under the guidance of professional guides visited the graveyard, where a large number of precious tomb stone carvings and stone carving relics were preserved. The students carefully completed the tour study task book developed by BTC for this research activity.

Beijing Tongwen Middle School -- Humanity and Geology Field Study on the Ancient Camel Bell Ancient Road in the West of Beijing for Grade 7 and Grade 8 students have been successfully concluded. BTC will continue to develop more field studies and study tours, explore more routes to meet students' research needs, and make field studies become the second class for primary and secondary school students to achieve knowledge and progress!