放飞英语梦,传递中国声 北京博文圣译-京师实验小学第四届校园英语文化节活动放飞英语梦,传递中国声 北京博文圣译-京师实验小学第四届校园英语文化节活动 Soar with English Dreams, Spread the Voice of China - The 4thCampus English Culture Festival Co-Hosted by BTC and Jingshi ExperimentalPrimary School 为了丰富校园文化建设,展示外教参与英语教学项目成果,进一步打造特色校本课程,北京博文圣译国际文化交流中心(BTC)与京师实验小学携手,于 2024 年 6 月 6 日举办了以“放飞英语梦,传递中国声”为主题的第四届校园英语文化节活动。今年的英语文化节已经是京师实验小学举办的第四届了,它充分体现了活动育人的教育理念,在活动过程和实际应用中培养学生的英语学科核心素养。 In a bid to enrich the campus cultureconstruction, showcase the accomplishments of the ESL teaching program, andfurther develop distinctive school-based curriculum, Beijing Broaden &Top-Trans Communication Center (BTC) andJingshi Experimental Primary School collaboratively organized the 4th CampusEnglish Culture Festival on June 6, 2024, themed " Soar with English Dreams,Spread the Voice of China ". Marking its fourth iteration, this festival ofJingshi Experimental Primary School aptlyembodies the educational philosophy of fostering growth through project-basededucation, nurturing students' core English literacy amidst a vibrant tapestryof activities and practical application. 为了迎接本次活动,实现学生参与度高、节目形式多样的目标,充分展示外教项目的教学成果,我中心外教 Nic 和中心工作人员积极筹备,精心挑选了多种类型的英语表演节目,如戏剧、歌舞、合唱、朗诵、英文表演等。4-6 年级的学生不断的排练过程中,逐渐找到了自信,变得越来越敢说、能说、快乐说! In order to achieve the goal of high student participation anddiverse program forms, and fully display the teaching achievements of ESLTeaching Program, Nic, our foreign teacher, and other staff members of the BTCteam, actively prepared and carefully selected various types of Englishprograms, such as drama, song and dance, chorus, recitation and Englishperformance. Students in grades 4 to 6 gradually found self-confidence in theprocess of continuous rehearsal, and became more proficient in their speakingability and joy in practicing English. 本次活动在京师实验小学附属幼儿园大班的小宝贝们带来的唱跳歌舞《Open and Shut》中拉开帷幕。小宝贝们活泼可爱的表情和激情的演唱赢得了阵阵掌声。 This activity was officially launched with thecaptivating song and dance performance "Open and Shut" presented bythe adorable kids from the kindergarten class attached to Jingshi ExperimentalPrimary School. Their vivid expressions and heartfelt singing elicited roundsof applause from the audience. 接着,由四年级同学带来的英文童话剧《白雪公主》将我们带入了充满梦幻的童话世界,让我们感受到了童话的美好。 Next, the grade four students transported usinto a dreamy fairytale realm with their English rendition of "SnowWhite". Their performance not only immersed us in the magical world offairytales but also showcased the inherent beauty of these timeless tales. 《少年中国说》是五年级语文课的一篇文章,五年级同学带来的英文朗诵《少年中国说》让我们热血沸腾,时刻提醒我们要自强不息,为祖国的发展贡献自己的力量! "Young China" is an article in thegrade five Chinese book. The English recitation of "Young China"delivered by the grade five students ignited our passions, served as a reminderto continually strive for personal growth and contributed towards the prosperityof our motherland! 随后,四年级同学表演了英文唱跳《TryEverything》,他们健康灿烂的笑容和刚劲有力的动作展现出了他们的快乐。快乐是属于孩子们的,更属于在场的所有人! Subsequently, the grade four students presentedan English singing and dancing program titled "Try Everything". Theirvibrant smiles and energetic movements radiated joy, a sentiment that not onlybelonged to the children but was shared by everyone in attendance. 《西游记》是一部经典之作,伴随了一代又一代人的童年,其中经典桥段—三打白骨精更是经典中的经典!六年级同学表演的英文戏剧《三打白骨精》幽默诙谐,让我们在欢笑中体会到在现实生活中要学会辨别真假,遇到困难不要退缩,要勇敢地战胜它们! "Journey to the West" is a timelessclassic that has accompanied countless childhoods. Among its many memorablescenes, the episode of “Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon"stands out as a pinnacle of the narrative. The grade six students' Englishdrama rendition of this scene was humorous and enlightening, reminding us ofthe importance of discerning truth from falsehood in our daily lives, stayingresolute in the face of challenges, and valiantly overcoming them! 紧接着,六年级同学带来了一首欢快励志的英文合唱《Dream It Possible》,让我们插上梦想的翅膀,在天空中自由翱翔。 Later, the grade six students gracefullyperformed an upbeat and motivating English chorus titled "Dream ItPossible," which brought us all into a realm where we could freely soarwith the wings of our dreams. 千百年来,花木兰一直是备受中国人尊敬的一位女性,她勇敢、坚强的品质代代相传。五年级同学表演的英文戏剧《花木兰》让我们看到了花木兰忠孝两全、保家卫国的精神。 For countless centuries, Mulan has been a womanheld in high esteem by the Chinese people. Her courage and adamancy have beenhanded down through the generations, serving as an inspiration to countlessindividuals. The grade five students' English drama “Mulan” beautifullycaptured the essence of her loyalty, filial piety, and patriotism. 此次英语节活动恰逢端午节来临,中国传统文化越来越受到重视。四年级同学表演的《端午节》朗诵让大家对端午节的由来和习俗有了更深入的了解。 This English Festival coincided with the DragonBoat Festival, a time when traditional Chinese culture receives increasingattention. The grade four students' recitation of "Dragon BoatFestival" provided us with a profound understanding of the festival'sorigins and custom, painting a vivid picture of thisancient tradition. 六年级同学带来的英文戏剧《半夜鸡叫》将我们带回了老百姓受苦受难的旧社会,让我们更加珍惜现在的幸福生活。 The grade six students' rendition of theEnglish drama "Cockcrow at Midnight" transported us back to the eraof the old society, where ordinary folk endured untold hardships, thus makingus appreciate the blissful life we enjoy today. 我们能够幸福快乐地成长,这一切都要感谢我们的父母。父母为我们的成长而自豪,我们为父母的无私而骄傲,五年级同学带来的一首动听的英文歌合唱《Proud of You》将现场气氛推向了高潮。 We can grow up happily, all thanks to ourbeloved parents. Our parents beam with pride over our growth, and in turn, wecherish their unwavering selflessness. The fifth-grade students' rendition ofthe enchanting English song chorus "Proud of You" elevated theatmosphere to a rousing climax. 本次英语文化节活动,不仅是一场语言的盛宴,更是一次文化的交融,孩子们在一个个节目中,用英文讲述了中国故事,传递中国声音。英语节上丰富多彩的活动,让同学们在英语实践中体验快乐、展示精彩,是对英语课堂教学的延伸,是对英语文化知识的拓展。同学们不仅收获了知识,还收获了成长。同时,还增强了学生的集体荣誉感,增加了学习的成就感,也提高了团队合作能力和团队凝聚力。我中心外教项目将始终坚持以英语的实际应用为重点,将外教听说课与中方英语教材紧密结合,让同学们在掌握英语听说能力的同时增强文化自信! This English Culture Festival is not merely alinguistic banquet, but rather a melting pot of diverse cultures. Childrenrecount tales of China in English, carrying forward the voice of the nationthrough a series of captivating programs. The array of vibrant activities atthe festival offers students an immersive experience of joy and an opportunityto showcase their talents in English, thereby extending the boundaries ofclassroom instruction and broadening their horizons in English culturalknowledge. Students not only acquire valuable knowledge but also undergopersonal growth. Simultaneously, the festival reinforces their sense ofcollective pride, boosts their sense of achievement in academic pursuits, andenhances their teamwork skills and cohesion. BTC’s ESL Teaching Program remainssteadfast and committed to the practical application of English. It seamlesslyintegrates the listening and speaking courses taught by foreign teachers withour Chinese English textbooks, enabling students to not only master Englishcommunication skills but also bolster their cultural confidence! |