携手大国工匠,弘扬中华文化! Join hands with a team of masters! Spread the Chinese culture!携手大国工匠,弘扬中华文化! Join hands with a team of masters! Spread the Chinese culture! 北京博文圣译国际文化交流中心,携手国内知名传统红木家具工坊,历经四年零五个月, 打造红木极品系列中国传统家具,弘扬中华文化! Joining hands with a team of masters and spending 4 years and 5 months,Beijing Broaden&Top-trans Communication Center has been spreading the Chinese culture by forging out a series of master works of Siamese 古有匠人, There were ancient master craftsmen, 曲目量才, who could precisely measure the wood with their professional eyes, 灌注心曲, endeavored all their heart and soul, 方成嘉作, creating stunning master pieces, 留存至今, which last to nowadays. 让人心驰神往. People are craving for their consummating works! 这世上很多东西都经不起时间的打磨, However, few things like the master pieces can stand the erosion of time. 山明水色, Even the beautiful mountains and colorful waters 尚有尽时, will eventually fade. 何况我们留下的那些微足迹. Not to mention the slight traces left by us, common mortals. 日子久了,也无谓这一生能留下什么, With days passing by, it doesn't matter what we left, 无关财富,能力,只属于自己的作品 irrelevant to money or capacity. Our modern master craftsmen just want to create their unique works, 它们是对生活的情愫,饱含情感, elaborating their affection and emotion of life, 说起来就是一个人字! in summary: everlasting humanity! 它是经寒暑而不腐的大红酸枝为料, It's made of Siamese rosewood, which resists cold and heat and hardly rots. 翻山过海来到匠人手里 coming over the mountains and across the seas to the craftsmen’s hands. 在经切,组,雕,磨 being cut, assembled, carved and polished for four years and five months, 经十几工匠的通力合作, with the cooperation of more than a dozen of master craftsmen 成就出这一长14米6宽1米7的巅峰之作. creating this pinnacle of Siamese 我庆幸能生在这个时代, I feel very lucky to be born in an era when
有自然馈赠的礼物供我刻画. I can carve and create this master piece with the endowment of nature. 相互成就,还有一群志同道合之人. We have a bunch of like-minded people, who support each other, 愿意为制作一件作品,而默默做着各自的努力. willing to sacrifice for a glorious work of art. 他们是大国工匠匠人,他们传承大国匠心. They are the master craftsmen of the nation and pass on the spirit to the new generations.