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2017 中美教育交流论坛第二站  2017 Second Sino-US Education Exchange Forum


On June 7, 2017, our guests from America arrived at Qinghe No.1 Primary School to attend the 2017 Sino-America Educational Exchange Forum co-held by BTC.


Students were doing morning exercise when we arrived at the school. Our guests from America were watching their exercise and they were warmly welcomed by our children.


Principal Walt made a short speech and watched students doing morning exercise.


Pricipal Walt and Professor Zhuang were learning to do morning exercise.


Principal Walt had a short and warm talk with children form the aerobics team. Children were sharing their experience of taking part in competition in America.


After a short break, teachers from America came into the hall where students were waiting for them.

本次论坛由清河第一小学刘主任主持,首先她为在场学生们介绍了中美两方的校长,北京博文圣译国际文化交流中心(BTC)的王朋主任。 然后,双方校长与王朋主任分别作了开场的致辞,阐述了论坛的目的,宗旨和意义,为孩子们的未来献上祝福。

The forum was hosted by Mrs.Liu, director of Qinghe No.1 Primary School. First she introduced to students Principal Yang, Principal Walt Shaffner and then director Wang Peng from BTC. They later gave exciting speeches on the purpose, principle and point of this forum, presenting blessings for the school and the children.


Director Wang Peng of BTC presented books about cross-culture communication written by Prefessor Anron from BTC.


Students from the school prepared gifts for our guests.


To demonstrate the differences and similarities in Chinese and American way of teaching, as well as to present the idea of "diversed methods of teaching the same subject", teaches of both sides gave fabulous math lessons to two groups of students.


At the begining of the class, Chinese teacher Mr.Fei started the class by a traditional game in ancient China called "Chinese Puzzle Ring" to tell students to think and look for the rule.


Students were showing the results of their discussion.


First class was ended in disscussing how to look for the rules.


At the beginning of the second class, the American teacher waited at the door to welcome her students. All the children were surprised to see the rearranged classroom . After a question was asked, students gathered together for a small brainstorm.


Students became excited and interested after the American teacher gave each group a pack of snacks as tools.


All the students waved their hands to encourage those who spoke his idea. Wonderful time flies and soon the second lesson finished.


After the class was over, Mrs. Romas gave snacks as reward to students. Many students said that they wanted to continue the class.


After the two classes, teachers were eager to share their ideas about the teaching methods.


The school prepared lunch for our guests and all of them enjoyed Chinese food.


At the afternoon, Mrs. Romas made a speech called "100% Participation" sharing with other teachers many teaching skills and many of them gained a lot.


Professor Zhuang and Principal Walt made a speech on Difference of Education Between China and America. Teachers felt they had learned a lot.


At the end of the forum, both Chinese and American school leaders and experts took pictures with each other. Everyone smiled with great joy and satisfactory.

文章分类: 教育交流