飞来横祸腿重伤 就医支持暖心房—外教Nic骨折手术就医支持记事飞来横祸腿重伤 就医支持暖心房—外教Nic骨折手术就医支持记事 Leg Severely Injured Unexpectedly, Yet Heart Warmed by BTC Family — The Story of Nic's Fracture Surgery 北京博文圣译国际文化交流中心(BTC)外教项目一直以“为学校提供全方位外教教学及管理服务,为外教提供24小时生活支持”为己任,十余年来服务了不胜枚举的学校和外教。不管是外教在深夜发病,还是外教需要连续多日去医院治疗,甚至是辗转多家医院,联系专家为外教提供最好的医疗救治,BTC一直不改初心,对待外教如朋友、如亲人,只为他们在异国他乡能够得到最好的治疗,快速恢复健康。 The ESL teaching program of Beijing Broaden & Top-Trans Communication Center (BTC) has long been dedicated to delivering comprehensive quality teaching and foreign teacher management services to schools, along with round-the-clock living support for our teachers. Over a decade, BTC has catered to a vast array of schools and foreign teachers alike. Regardless of whether our foreign teachers fall ill in the dead of night, require hospitalization for several consecutive days, or even need to navigate multiple hospitals in search of optimal medical care, BTC remains steadfast, treating them with the utmost care and compassion, akin to treating friends or family. Our sole objective is to ensure that they receive the best medical treatment and support in China, facilitating their speedy recovery. 今年4月,我中心外教Nic骑电动车,在晚上路况较差以及视线不清的路段不幸把左腿膝盖摔伤。当时情况非常糟糕,外教Nic第一时间联系到我中心陶主任,在晚上11点多陶主任通过视频电话与外教Nic沟通,提供翻译等全方位的就医支持。联系好救护车,第一时间把Nic送到北京京煤集团总医院急诊部,外教Nic在急诊经过医护人员以及陶主任的远程帮助下,对受伤的腿进行了处理。 In April, our foreign teacher, Nic, encountered an unfortunate accident while riding his scooter. The road conditions were poor, and the visibility was extremely limited due to the darkness of the night. As a result, he sustained severe injuries to his left leg and knee. The situation was dire, prompting Nic to immediately contact Director Tao of our center. At 11 pm, Ms. Tao established a video call with Nic, providing him with translation assistance and emotional support. She swiftly arranged for an ambulance and ensured that Nic was transported to the emergency department of Beijing Jingmei General Hospital in time. Thanks to Ms. Tao's timely assistance, Nic's injured leg received prompt medical attention, minimizing any potential long-term consequences. 第二天一早,我中心杨老师来到医院看望Nic。由于外教是粉碎性骨折,受伤位置也比较危险,伤情复杂,手术难度很大,经过和外教商量后决定为他安排转院手术。中心王主任四处为外教联系优质的骨科医院,以确保Nic能够尽快住院,并接受手术。最终联系好了北京宣武医院。在北京京煤医院办完转院手续,杨老师收集了所有住院材料,发票,病例X光片等,然后帮外教Nic叫了120救护车转送到北京宣武医院骨科。陶主任负责在北京宣武医院接应外教。我中心团队协同作战,做到了无缝衔接。 Early next morning, Mr. Yang from our center, made his way to the hospital to visit Nic. Given that Nic had sustained a comminuted fracture, the injury was extremely intricate and posed significant challenges during the surgical procedure. After a thorough consultation with the foreign teacher, we collectively decided to transfer him to another hospital for the operation. Director Wang of our center spared no effort in reaching out to top-tier orthopedic hospitals across Beijing through his personal connections, ensuring that Nic could be hospitalized promptly and undergo the necessary surgery. After meticulous negotiations, we successfully established contact with Xuanwu Hospital. Once the transfer procedures at Beijing Jingmei Hospital were smoothly completed, Mr. Yang diligently gathered all pertinent hospitalization materials, invoices, and X-ray films, ensuring that nothing was overlooked. Without delay, he arranged for a 120 ambulance to convey Nic to the Orthopedics Department of Xuanwu Hospital. Director Tao, meantime, took charge of greeting and assisting the foreign teacher upon his arrival at Xuanwu Hospital. Our central team exhibited exceptional coordination and collaboration, ensuring that every step of the process was executed with precision and efficiency, ultimately leading to satisfactory outcomes. 住院的三天后,外教Nic进行了粉碎性骨折手术,由北京宣武医院骨科武京伟专家团队对Nic进行了专家会诊,讨论治疗方案并执行手术。手术全程中,我中心老师一直陪伴在Nic周围,像家人一样,给他鼓舞和力量。虽然这次手术难度系数非常大,但宣武医院骨科专家团队凭借一丝不苟的态度及出色的医术顺利地完成了手术。 After spending three days in hospital, Nic underwent surgery for a comminuted fracture. A team of orthopedic experts from the Department of Orthopedics at Xuanwu Hospital convened for an expert consultation to discuss Nic's treatment plan and carry out the operation. During the delicate procedure, our center's teachers stood by Nic's side, providing him with encouragement and strength akin to that of a beloved family member. Despite the operation's complexity, the orthopedic team at Xuanwu Hospital triumphantly overcame the challenges with their meticulous approach and outstanding medical proficiency. 5月30日上午,我中心王主任,陶主任带Nic回医院复查并探望医生专家团队。外教Nic的腿恢复的很好,我中心特意制作了锦旗向北京宣武医院骨科武京伟专家团队致谢并合影留念。外教Nic对宣武医院医生们精湛的医术和护士们的悉心照料表达了由衷的感谢。这将成为他在中国印象深刻的就医经历。 On the morning of May 30th, Directors Wang and Tao of our center escorted Nic back to the hospital for a follow-up examination and made a courtesy visit to the esteemed team of doctors and experts. Nic's leg showed remarkable progress in its recovery. As a token of appreciation, our center thoughtfully crafted a banner to express our heartfelt gratitude to the medical team led by Dr. Wu Jingwei, and we captured a group photo as a keepsake. Nic expressed profound gratitude to the doctors for their exceptional medical expertise and the nurses' meticulous attention. This experience, undoubtedly, will remain etched in his memory as a memorable medical journey in China. 每一次外教在异国他乡,孤立无援时,BTC都是他们最强大的后盾,悉心陪伴和鼎力相助让外教们一次次感受到BTC这个大家庭的温暖,也让他们在故乡的家人得以安心。正是在这样一次次温暖的陪伴中,外教们的工作热情得到了极大的鼓舞,外教团队的凝聚力也得到了显著的提升。 As our foreign teachers live and work in China, our center remains their steadfast pillar of support. Our meticulous companionship and unwavering assistance enable them to deeply feel the warmth and camaraderie within our extensive BTC family, while simultaneously reassuring their loved ones abroad. It is precisely within this nurturing and cozy companionship that the enthusiasm of our foreign teachers has been profoundly invigorated, and the cohesion among team members has been remarkably strengthened. |